Sunday, April 20, 2014

Two Orthodox Metropolitans Happy with Just One Lung

Two Greek Orthodox metropolitans have written a letter to Pope Francis accusing him and the Roman Catholic Church of heresy and blasphemy in an effort to "restore you to the Mother Orthodox Catholic Church" and "bring him back to his senses".  This comes at a time when there has been a great deal of talk of reunification between the Eastern and Western Churches. In fact, Pope Francis and Greek Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople are planning on meeting together in Jerusalem on May 25.  But Metropolitan Andreas of Dryinoupolis and Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus are having none of this. They refer to this as the "modern heretical Ecumenical Movement with its ecumenist theological dialogues between Orthodox and Papists". Of the meetings between Bartholomew and Francis they ask;
Truly, Your Excellency, what good can you possibly offer to the Orthodox, you who are the chosen Jesuit “Pope” of the Jews, of the Rabbis, of the masons, of the dictators, of America, of Ecumenism, of Pan-religion, of the “New Age of Aquarius,” and of the “New World Order”?  

The metropolitans lay out the papal heresies in 31 points. Some of the points are interesting. Some I found hypocritical. And some, I frankly had no idea what they were talking about. The letter is laid out in 26 sections covering 87 pages. So it is long, and parts are rather dull unless you are a fan of ecclesiastical history. But the metropolitans did not pull their punches. Some of the material is directed at the pope and has the character of a personal attack. expects an apology to Pope Francis from Archbishop Ieronymos, the leader of the Greek Orthodox Church.

You can read the letter here;

It is in portable document format. So, if your browser doesn't open it , you may need to download the free Adobe Reader here

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